Many of the most common questions can be answered below!

  • I open my books about 3-4 times a year to take on new projects. At those open times, I will post a submission form for folks to fill out with a description of what they want to get and folks subscribed to my email newsletter will get early access! I read through these submissions & accept projects that align with what I am excited about making and have capacity for!

    You will be contacted in the day(s) and week following this period by my booking assistant to let you know whether or not the project is accepted.

  • Yes!! I travel frequently and will be spending July—November in New York City!  As of 2024, I am transitioning to being bi-coastal so you can find me at Thorns in Berkeley January-May and at Estuary Tattoo in NYC July-November! If you would like to stay up-to-date with my guesting spots, please fill out my newsletter with your location! I promise I won’t spam you. :)

  • I choose projects based on imagery and themes I’m excited about—this changes but generally falls within the realm of large birds, animals, plants, abstract and some ornamental stuff. I tattoo flash designs only 1-2 times each to sustain the magic. I love making drawn-on work, too!

    I do not tattoo other artists designs or subject matter that is racist, homophobic, or disrespectful. I do not tattoo work that is culturally appropriative for me or my client.

  • My standard rate is $200/hour

    I offer an adjusted rate of $150-$200/hour sliding scale for self-identifying BIPOC clients when I’m working in the Bay Area. Unfortunately I am unable to offer this adjusted rate when I am traveling and work at my standard rate in NYC.

    • My sliding scale is offered as an attempt to provide tattoos at a more equitable rate to clients who experience systemic oppression, income inequality and under-representation in the tattoo world at-large.

    • I only charge for the time spent tattooing, not drawing or consulting.

  • I do offer Zoom consultation appointments by request for large-scale custom work. These are 20-minute Zoom consultations with very limited availability. Please let us know if you are interested in booking one in your submission!

  • While I am unable to give estimates on large project like sleeves and back pieces before starting a tattoo, I am happy to break down the cost of a full day session. Factors which determine the amount of sessions are size, placement difficulty, complexity of design and shading.

    • Full Day Standard Rate (4-5 hours): $800-$1000

    • Full Day BIPOC Rate (4-5 hours): $600-$1000 sliding scale**

      + Large projects are an investment of time and money, and want you to feel prepared and supported throughout the time we work together. I ask clients to communicate a pace that feels comfortable so that we know when to reach out for booking.

      **BIPOC Sliding Scale only offered in the Bay Area at this time.

  • A non-refundable $200 deposit  is required when booking your appointment & your deposit goes towards the last hour of your tattoo.
    Appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, so I highly recommend being ready to send as soon as you receive the acceptance email.

  • If for some reason you need to reschedule our appointment, I require at least 72 hours notice so that I can fill the opening. If you have to cancel within 72 hours, I will ask for a new deposit when we book again. I do not refund deposits for no-shows or if you change your mind about getting the tattoo.  

    *If you come down with COVID-19 and need to reschedule last minute, we can accommodate shorter notice. 

  • Bay Area January-May: I work Wednesdays through Saturdays starting at noon at my Bay Area home shop, Thorns Tattoo in Berkeley, CA!

    NYC July-November: I work Wednesdays through Saturdays starting at noon at my East Coast home shop, Estuary Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY! On Fridays, I work at Penance Tattoo!

    +Please join my mailing list to keep up to date with my availability with travel! :)

  • Nope! I accept cash-only. I take deposits via PayPal but payment is cash-only on the day of your appointment. Yes, this means literal cash :) Please plan according. I am happy to provide an estimate beforehand and if you have listed a budget in your submission form, I will do my best to work with that. 

  • No, but I will bring sketches to our session and I am happy to make alterations when we discuss together at your appointment. 

  • No, sorry. :(

  • No, sorry. :(

  • Rarely, but I take them on a case-by-case basis.